July 10, 2009

Bringing Sexy Back to the Green and Black

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Justin Timberlake is one of the three finalists to play Hal Jordan in the upcoming Green Lantern movie. I haven't perused fan-community responses to this, but my guess is that they're mixed. My response to any complainers, and to King Complainer Hal Jordan himself, is this.

UPDATE: Uh, ok, nevermind. This is actually fine with me too, except for the Deadpool thing, which was great, and is now kind of ruined. Doesn't Reynolds know that Marvel is slowly replacing their 27 Wolverine titles with 34 Deadpool titles? Idiot.

1 comment:

Melony said...

Well right now I think Deadpool would be a better replacement to Wolverine simply because I never saw enough of him in comics to begin with. Oh its also Aaron's fault that I'm now hooked on Deadpool again. ;p