Whoa Nelly! This 147th episode of the Awesomed By Comics Website is brought to you by a little speed lesson! You got a need for speed? Then let's rev it up! Speed-style! VROOM VROOM VROOOOOOOOM.
This week we bid a melancholy and vaguely disappointing farewell to Batgirl, which has been one of the entire industry's most solid titles, month-after-month, for the last two years, and whose lead character is not going to be appearing in the relaunch stuff for a while anyway. We also bid a lousy farewell to this incarnation of Birds of Prey, who deserved better than the sendoff they got. As Thor might apparently say, "Weak sauce, brah. Totes weak sauce." The Unwritten takes an interesting turn, and might be setting itself up for a pretty ballsy move, while Cloak and Dagger make a relationship book work in the midst of an event tie-in. Plus Squrlgurl, and also Evie's in a book, kinda.
And if this isn't enough Aaron for you, or if you want to listen to a bunch of guys talk about whatever for a couple of hours and have a lot of fun doing it, you can listen to last week's episode of Randumb Idiocy featuring Aaron, our pal Euge (AKA Adam WarRock,) our other pal DeWayne Feenstra, his brother who is now our pal David, and our lettering - slash - pigeon-hero-maker - slash - make-someone-in-a-book-named-Evie pal Joe Caramagna.
Download/subscribe to the show here or in the right sidebar, and leave an iTunes review! Tell us what you think in the comments, and please always remember that you are more than welcome to list your own winners for our categories in the comments. Hell, you can list your own categories for our winners, for all we care. Or list your own winners for your own categories, from your own books. Whatever you want to do. And if you feel like donating, there's a button over there with which you can do just that! (Or save your money to buy my record when it comes out, which I also fully support.)
Covers and stuff later.
* Also of note: Yes, I am aware that I forgot to bleep out the name of that guy's city, but the rest of his letter, had we read it verbatim, would have made it clear that that's where he lived anyway.
** Also also, here's that comic Evie mentioned. Please note that while it is drawn quite well and is pretty clever, this made me sad to read.