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* We value** your opinions.
** This is honestly not sarcasm at the moment, but we reserve the right to ask you to read it as such, should the need arise.
Cover(s) of the Week:
Aaron's Pick, from Cinderella: Fables are Forever #2, cover by Chrissie Zullo
Evie's Pick, from Justice League: Generation Lost #21, cover by Dustin Nguyen
Panel(s) of the Week:
Aaron's Pick, from Doom Patrol #21, by Keith Giffen and a zillion artists
Evie's Pick, from Ultimate Spider Man #155, by Brian Michael Bendis and Chris Samnee
Bonus Barbara "Winkerbean" Gordon, from Batgirl #19, art by Ramon "Tom Batiuk" Bachs
Shrimp With Hair of the Week: