So, about five years after everyone else in the world, I'm finally reading Y The Last Man. It's curious that it took me this long, seeing as Brian K. Vaughan's Runaways was, as pretty much anyone who's visited here for half a second knows a million times over, basically responsible for my comics habit to begin with. Maybe it's because I was afraid of disappointment, with all the expectation of it being, you know, supposedly the best comic of all ever. I'm pleased to report though that I'm enjoying it immensely, although I might be able to make a case that Ex Machina is at least as good. If you'd like to fight about that, let me know.
But really the main point I want to make is this: Yorick Brown is Peter Parker if he were written really, really well. I don't expect him ever to be, but now I can imagine what it might be like.