Showing posts with label Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane. Show all posts

January 8, 2009

A tangled web

Alright, so, here's a big media push by Marvel to publicize next week's Amazing Spider-Man #583, which features an oh-so-collectible Obama cover (didn't someone already do that?). In my effort to find out who did the interior pencils for a little lighthearted mocking about the fact that he apparently doesn't know what the President-Elect looks like, I turn up this solicitation on for an Amazing Spider-Man #583 coming out next week that, uh, is totally not an Obama issue in any way shape or form nor written by Zeb Wells.

So what's going on? Is there a fist-bump or not?? How will we ever figure out if we need to buy it???

October 12, 2008

ABC Podcast, Episode #18 and visual aids

This week's Awesomed By Comics is sponsored by Two and a Half Men, known as a poet, calligrapher, and instigator of a probable death toll in the tens of millions. Secret Six, X-Men and Hal Jordan stand out relative to a slow week, and Obama and McCain square off in the age-old invisibility vs. flight debate. Word of caution: Evie is very sick, and totally sucks in this episode.

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Cover(s) of the Week

Evie's picks: Wonder Woman #25, cover by Bernard Chang

Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #3
, cover by Terry Moore

Aaron's pick: Final Crisis: Revelations #3, variant cover by Philip Tan

Panel(s) of the Week

Aaron's picks: From Green Arrow and Black Canary #13 by Judd Winick, art by Mike Norton (note: context is that Mia has just told Dodger she is HIV positive, figures he won't be interested anymore)

From Secret Six #2 by Gail Simone, art by Nicola Scott

Evie's pick: From Secret Six #2 by Gail Simone, art by Nicola Scott

September 7, 2008

ABC Podcast, episode #13 checklist

So you know what might be handy for several reasons? A list of the books we talk about on the show! Also, a knife that automatically detects human flesh, and refuses to cut it! The former would be handy as it would allow you, our dear listeners, to be alerted to what comics/things we're going to be talking about this week, that way you can more easily avoid spoilers, AND so that there'll be a reference guide, in case someone ever wants to go back and listen to a show about a particular issue long after the fact. The latter would be handy as it would cut down on both kitchen accidents (ow, my thumb!) and knife fights.

So as not to spoil the show itself, We're not going to list which books won which categories just yet.

ABCP13 Topics of Converstaion
Fables 75
Spider Man loves Mary Jane 2
Manhunter 34
Secret Six 1
The Authority: World's End 2
X-Men Origins: Beast
Marvel Apes 1
X-Men: Manifest Destiny 1
Eternals 4
Supergirl 33
Next Avengers (DVD)
Sub Mariner: The Depths 1

So if any or all of this stuff is on your list to read, read it before listening to us! And if any or all of this stuff piques your interest in what we think about it, then by golly, this episode is for you!

ABC Podcast, Episode #13 and visual aids

This episode of Awesomed By Comics is sponsored by "Celebrity Real Estate Blunders," because oy we should have such problems. Evie and Aaron salute the crop of excellent first issues this week, and wonder whom to blame for the terrible one. Be sure to stay listening through the end of the episode for a special story time with Aaron.

Download and/or subscribe in the right sidebar, or find on iTunes and leave a review.

Cover(s) of the Week

Evie's pick, from Fables #75, cover by James Jean:

Aaron's pick, from Spider Man Loves Mary Jane Season 2 #2, cover by Terry Moore:

Panel(s) of the Week

Aaron's pick, from Manhunter #34 by Marc Andreyko, art by Michael Gaydos:

Evie's pick, from Secret Six #1 by Gail Simone, art by Nicola Scott:

August 8, 2008

This is gimmicky, but sometimes a few haikus, help me to wake up

Final Crisis 3
Feels like that one time in math
When you were real high

Echo is lucky
Who doesn't want a brassiere
That smites enemies

Mary Jane Watson
Eats EZ Cheez for dinner
And loves Spidey Kong

That Patsy Walker
Hangs with Inuit witches
And can drive standard

Robin, Boy Wonder
Is a better detective
Than Grant Morrison

While Cable escapes
Cyclops has an angsty fest
And gets some boobies