This episode of the Awesomed By Comics Podcast is brought to you by a nine year-old who returned to his 3rd-grade class the joy of Pokemon through the power of persuasive letter-writing. We saw the Green Lantern movie (and didn't pay for it, thanks to
what happened when we tried to see the Yu-Gi-Oh movie.) and then we watched the Green Lantern cartoon thing, and we gave a bunch of awards to Power Girl and Batgirl, two of the strongest and most appealing female characters in comics, both of whom we only have a few more months to enjoy in their current incarnations. Crap to not knowing what the hell is going on in X-Men Schism and we break down why the interview format worked well in Guardians of the Galaxy but it's annoying as all hell in Avengers.
But the real star of this show is PASTA AND VEGETABLES.

1 Zucchini
1 Yellow Squash
1 Vidalia Onion
1 Red Pepper
1 Stalk Garlic Stem or Garlic Chives
1 Box Pasta of your choice
Cube the Zucchini, Squash, Pepper and Onions and toss with the garlic stem and a little bit of olive oil and/or butter. Wrap in tin foil and bake at 400 for about 45 minutes. Do about half of a podcast. Cook some pasta. When the veggies are all baked and the pasta is fully cooked, toss the pasta with the veggies and sprinkle some shredded parmesan on top and eat while watching the end of Green Lantern: Emerald Knights which was pretty good. Then go back and do the rest of the podcast.
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Here's our covers:

And ere's our cat Stan: