June 17, 2010

Happy Terrible Twos, ABC!

So I'm on deadline and don't have time at the moment to be more creative about this, but I just realized that the first episode of the Awesomed By Comics Podcast was recorded and uploaded two years ago today. They grow up so fast! Anyway, last year it worked out that our 50th episode landed on our one-year week, but this year that won't quite work out, so I thought I'd pour one out today and then our 100th episode will be the real party. Once we decide what to do with it.

So thank you, all of you rapscallions, for listening and supporting and funning and cussing. We're now officially the age to run around screaming and terrorizing the cats and pooping at inopportune moments, which works out well.


Sandy said...

Congrats, Evie and Aaron. You guys rock.

As for your 100th, how about a little "best X of the past 100 shows"? Best cover, panel, comic, crap, all that good stuff.

Hank The Crank said...

So what are you guys having for dinner? to celerbrate? Did I win the contest?

if you do a best of the past two years, I hope it includes "word Baloon of the Week" as it is a lot like Chuck from Happy Days :)

I am so glad you guys made it to two years and I am still enjoying the show more than ever!

I am looking forward to more wonderful years of having coffee and listening to 2 of the smartest people I know tlaking about comics.

That being said, Aaron we need another Ampersands CD and you need to do a tour that includes RI. Come on you guys can play at Living Room (if that still exsists) or Club Babyhead (if that still exsists)worst case scenario my acre in Woodstock is available as long as there are no riots or hippies passing out brown acid.

bird said...

yeah for 2 years! i hope for 2 more, unless you guys sick of it all.

many thanks!

bird said...

i meant yea!! and get sick of it all. but i can't type or speak well.