January 13, 2010

I am a thing not to hate in 2010!

Jeremy Whitley of Stylistic Nonsense wrote a guest post at Kirk Warren's Weekly Crisis called "6 Things Not to Hate This Year," in which he points out a few things we should not be bitching about in comics. Go figure! Number four is "the rise of the fangirl," which name checks several vocal comics-loving females including myself (and I agree with a commenter that Laura Hudson of Comics Alliance should very much be on that list). But far beyond the vanity factor, it's a very thoughtful piece about progress and appreciation and character development and still having plenty of things to hate.


aaron said...

So what am I supposed to do when you beat me at Pokemon Rumble? "Respect" you?

Anonymous said...

Except for points 3 & 4. And even those were very limited in their thinking. That was a pretty crappy write up on the state of comics.

Anonymous said...

1 month from today abc with be 24 months, congratulations!