For anyone who is in the New York City area, or can get here in the next week and a half, Aaron and I will be speaking on a panel about Comics and the Press at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art on Thursday, Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. Other panelists are the esteemed Heidi MacDonald of Publishers Weekly's The Beat, and Reading Comics author Douglas Wolk, who is one of my kinsmen in the small cabal of people who make our livings writing about nothing but music and comics except he is much more famous at it than I. Suffice it to say we have a very weird Venn diagram of mutual friends. Anyway, I'm the first to acknowledge that calling Awesomed By Comics "the press" is hilarious in so many ways, but as Aaron and I are members of the actual press in our day jobs, we have some inkling of the difference and where lines are drawn when and what are the roles of which and blabbity blah. Anyway, you should go to there.
O.O OOHH!!!! *tempted*.....
If the Tube ran as far as NYC, I'd be there.
Of course, given it doesn't, that's not a whole lot of a commitment.
Hope it goes all good.
How close is it to Penn Station? I am not familar with New York at all, but I know the train fromm CT drops off at MSG/ Penn Station.
Well, it's about 30 blocks south, but everything in Manhattan is close to everything else in a way. And the train from CT goes into Grand Central at 42nd St., not Penn Station--unless you're talking about Amtrak. And also, I didn't actually think that anyone would actually consider actually traveling for this, if anyone does so I hope you plan to do a whole lot more while in the city. :)
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